UPDATED: The UK Government will strip away some Human Rights on April 16th 2013 - we must NOT let this happen !
Thanks to Nick at @Mylegalforum and the PCS Union, something is about to pass through Parliament that will have massive repercussions on all citizens of the United Kingdom.
There is no other reason for parliament to do this other than to protect themselves from Court claims and, here's the very important bit... to strip away citizens Human Rights !
Here's a link to the bill on it's FINAL stage in Parliament > http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2012-13/enterpriseandregulatoryreform.html . Right now it's in "Ping-Pong" between the Government and the House of Lords. The Lords have already voted 'against' the move in this part of the bill, the Government are about to vote it through ! - this will mean BIG changes to everyone.
MPs are considering Lords amendments to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.
This stage in a bill's journey is known as "ping pong". The legislation is sent between the Commons and the Lords until both Houses can agree on the final wording of the bill. It then goes for Royal Assent, and becomes law.
Here's a link to the bill on it's FINAL stage in Parliament > http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2012-13/enterpriseandregulatoryreform.html . Right now it's in "Ping-Pong" between the Government and the House of Lords. The Lords have already voted 'against' the move in this part of the bill, the Government are about to vote it through ! - this will mean BIG changes to everyone.
So What's Going On..?
It is the repeal of part 1 s3 General Duty of the Equality Act 2006
For more comments on this, have a read of this > http://blog.plain-sense.co.uk/2013/04/what-became-of-ehrc.html < which states the following of note:
The Commons will debate it on Tuesday (16th April 2013) this week, whether to strip away an important part of their statutory authority.
You'll probably not hear about this in the media, consumed as they are with the Thatcher controversy.
And you'd have to look hard anyway, as the provisions are buried inside an arcane-sounding debate on the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.
The Lords have already voted against this move.
However, readers will know by now what generally happens when the Government is determined to get its way. Tuesday's debate sees the amendment return to the Commons, where the repeal clause will probably be reinstated.
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED - So, please read the wording from the act below, and what it means for you and I:
3 General duty
The Commission shall exercise its functions under this Part with a view to encouraging and supporting the development of a society in which—
(a)people’s ability to achieve their potential is not limited by prejudice or discrimination,
(b)there is respect for and protection of each individual’s human rights,
(c)there is respect for the dignity and worth of each individual,
(d)each individual has an equal opportunity to participate in society, and
(e)there is mutual respect between groups based on understanding and valuing of diversity and on shared respect for equality and human rights.
If this goes through in laymans terms (what it means for everybody in the United Kingdom) it will mean:
(1) people’s ability to achieve their potential is limited by prejudice or discrimination.
(2) there is no respect for and protection of each individual’s human rights.
(3) there is no respect for the dignity and worth of each individual.
(4) each individual does not have an equal opportunity to participate in society.
(5) there is no mutual respect between groups based on understanding and valuing of diversity and on shared respect for equality and human rights.
This would mean, for example - that the guy who won an out of court settlement for discrimination would not have had this been repealed and it would no doubt put the brakes on any further claims.
No matter what race, colour, nationality or disability - we must NOT allow this to go through !
So I urge you all to start fighting back by writing to your MP, you can do this very easily and will only take a few minutes via the PCS Union Website.
All you have to do is enter your postcode and it will bring up the letter to your MP: